Pomoč na terenu

Slovenska filantropija ima bogate izkušnje dela na področju beguncev in migracij, prostovoljsko delo redno organiziramo za prosilce za azil, otroke brez spremstva in tudi druge migrante.
Z večjim prihodom (oziroma prehodom) beguncev smo se aktivno vključili v sistem pomoči, v lanskem letu je sodelovalo več kot 1.300 prostovoljcev.
Kot ste verjetno seznanjeni, prihodov beguncev, ki bi prečkali Slovenijo, ni več.
Tako smo ustavili prostovoljske in druge aktivnosti v sprejemnem centru Dobova in nastanitvenem centru Šentilj in jih bomo ponovno zagnali, v kolikor se bodo pokazale nove potrebe.
Trenutno naše moči usmerjamo v podporne aktivnosti v vseh treh enotah Azilnega doma, pa tudi boljšo sistemsko ureditev na tem področju, ki bo posameznikom zagotovila humano in dostojanstveno obravnavo ter čim lažjo vključitev v našo družbo.
Trenutno so potrebe po prostovoljski pomoči v Azilnem domu zadovoljene, a situacija se lahko hitro spremeni in takrat vas bomo ponovno kontaktirali.
Svojo zainteresiranost lahko še vedno lahko zabeležite z vpisom v OBRAZEC.
Za najbolj ažurne informacije spremljajte Facebook stran Slovenske filantropije.
Splošne informacije: Primož Jamšek, primoz.jamsek@filantropija.org, 041 654 726.


Slovene Philanthropy is an organization well experienced in working with refugees and in the area of migrations. We regularly organize volunteer work to help asylum seekers, unaccompanied children and other migrants.
During the mass arrival, or rather, passing through, of refugees we were actively involved with humanitarian help in the field. More than 1.300 volunteers were involved last year.
As you may already know, the arrival of refugees passing through Slovenia has ceased.
Therefore, we have stopped our volunteer and other activities at the admission center in Dobova and the accommodation center in Šentilj. Should the need arise, we will resume our activities there.
Currently, we are focusing our efforts on support activities at all three locations of the Asylum Centre.  We are also endeavouring to achieve better system regulation, in order to ensure the dignified and humane treatment of asylum seekers and to ease their integration into our society.
Volunteer help at the Asylum Center is currently sufficient, but the situation may change rapidly, and should it do so we will contact you again.
If you are interested, you may still sign up by registering via our online form REGISTER AS A VOLUNTEER and we will contact you when needed.
For the most up to date information, please follow us on Slovene Philanthropy’s Facebook page.
For general information, please contact: Primož Jamšek, primoz.jamsek@filantropija.org, 041 654 726.

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