Svetovna cukrarna: kuharica slaščic / Sweet Festival cookbook
Brošura receptov je skupnostni izdelek vključenih v naše programe, ki so se s svojimi slaščicam predstavili na 15. Festivalu migrantskega filma. V njej boste našli recepte za slaščice iz štirih kontinentov. Pa dober tek!
This recipe brochure was made for the 15th edition of the Festival of Migrant film by those included in our programmes. You will find recipes for desserts, sweets and baked goods from 4 continents. Bon appetit!
Recepti sveta/Recipes of the world
Brošura receptov je rezultat delavnice z migrantskimi ženskami v Mariboru, ki sta jo izvedli prostovoljki Evropske solidarnostne enote, Orane in Elena. V njej boste našli recepte arabske, francoske, mednarodne, makedonske, slovenske, sirske in balkanske kuhinje. Pa dober tek!
This recipe brochure is a result of a workshop with migrant women, held in Maribor by our European Solidarity Corps volunteers, Orane and Elena. It includes recipes from Arab, French, international, Macedonian, Slovenian, Syrian and Balkan cuisines. Bon appétit!