Within our Migration Programme Unit, we deal with different aspects of contemporary migration. We offer counselling, information, psychosocial and psychotherapeutic assistance and advocacy to individuals and migrant groups, such as asylum seekers, persons with international protection, unaccompanied minors, undocumented and other migrants. We organise different activities to assist migrants and refugees integrate into a new environment: getting to know the local environment, organizations, institutions and habits of the majority population; help with sorting documentation, learning Slovenian, learning assistance, sports, cultural and social activities, etc. We also involve volunteers in our programmes and we offer them training and mentorship.
On a systemic level, we advocate for appropriate legislature and practice in the field of migration in Slovenia and in Europe. We advocate for appropriate protection of unaccompanied minors in Slovenia and for an appropriate access to healthcare and other public service for migrants. We raise awareness about the questions connected to contemporary migration and migrants for the general and the professional public at conferences, roundtables and other public events. For the past 10 years, we have been organising the Festival of Migrant film, an event aimed at raising awareness about the topic for the general public, which has already outgrown the capital. The Day Centres for Migrants we established, in Ljubljana and Maribor, keep proving the importance of such programmes in bigger cities with the constant increase in the number of users.

Head of Programme:
Current projects
- MINT – Mentorstvo za integracijo otrok migrantov iz tretjih držav
- Svetovanje, zagovorništvo in psihosocialna pomoč za brezdomce, prosilce za mednarodno zaščito in osebe z mednarodno zaščito ter druge migrante v Republiki Sloveniji
- Podpora in pomoč pri integraciji imigrantk in imigrantov
- Program pomoči za otroke in mladostnike imigrante
- Dnevni center za migrante v Ljubljani in Mariboru
- STIRE – Spodbujanje integracije preseljenih beguncev (STIRE – Supporting The Integration of the Resettled)
- WELCOMM – Podpora pri vključevanju državljanov tretjih držav z razvijanjem učnih in usklajevalnih orodij, z namenom oblikovanja sprejemajočih in vključujočih skupnosti
- Pomoč in svetovanje pri zdravstveni oskrbi prosilcev za mednarodno zaščito in oseb z mednarodno zaščito
- Pomoč pri integraciji oseb s priznano mednarodno zaščito
- Krepitev socialnih veščin za hitrejšo integracijo mladih migrantov
- Razvoj zaposlitvenih in drugih kompetenc mladih migrantov