We work with asylum seekers, refugees and migrants of different statuses individually, so steps and guidelines are specifically designed for every individual or family. We support the development of their potential, talent and knowledge and we encourage its use for the inclusion in social life.
The assistance we offer:
- assistance with getting to know everyday life in Slovenia, seeking and co-creating possibilities for managing specific life situations,
- presentation of how different Slovenian organizations and institutions operate,
- assistance with arranging documentation and recognising rights to social benefits,
- psychosocial assistance,
- assistance with accompanying and access to health services and specialist clinics,
- assistance with enrolment in kindergartens, schools and universities,
- assistance with finding accommodation,
- assistance with finding employment, writing applications and resumes, joining different trainings,
- assistance with joining sports activities,
- collecting material donations (clothes, footwear, school requisites, household accessories, furniture, …)
One of the key parts of integration into a new environment and society is learning the language, so we offer assistance with learning Slovenian and other learning assistance to asylum seekers, refugees and migrants of other statuses.