Uporabnike_ce o možnosti in načinu pritožbe ob vstopu v program ustno seznani strokovni_a delavec_ka. V primeru, da uporabniki_ce niso zadovoljni z izvajanjem programa oz. želijo izraziti nestrinjanje, se lahko obrnejo na strokovnega vodjo programa. Strokovni vodja programa jih ponovno seznani o možnosti in načinu pritožbe. Postopek pritožbe visi na vidnem mestu v prostorih, kjer potekajo aktivnosti in je objavljen na spletni strani Slovenske filantropije.

Uporabnikom_cam je na voljo dvostopenjski pritožbeni postopek. Uporabniki_ce so tudi obveščeni, da so izvajalci programa dolžni izvajati program po načelih Kodeksa etičnih načel v socialnem varstvu in možnosti ugovora po 94. členu Zakona o socialnem varstvu.

1. Na prvi stopnji ima uporabnik/ca ali njegov/a zakoniti/a zastopnik/ca možnost naslovitve pisne pritožbe na vodjo Slovenske filantropije (izvršni direktor). Uporabnik_ca se lahko pritoži v roku 15 dni od dejanja, ki je sprožilo povod za pritožbo. Uporabnik_ca lahko pritožbo pošlje:

  • po pošti na naslov: Slovenska filantropija, Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 11, 1000 Ljubljana,
  • po elektronski pošti na naslov:,
  • preko zapisa v knjigi pohval in pritožb,
  • ustno na zapisnik (v zapisnik o pritožbi se vpiše: uporabnik_ca ali zakoniti_a zastopnik_ca; kraj, dan in ura pritožbe, kraj; dan in ura dejanja, ki je sprožilo povod za pritožbo; potek in vsebina dejanja, ki je sprožilo povod za pritožbo).

Naslovnik pritožbe (vodja Slovenske filantropije) uporabniki_ci, ki se je pritožil_a na to poda pisni odgovor, v katerem predlaga rešitev oziroma poda pojasnilo. Pritožnika_co lahko zaprosi za dodatna pojasnila glede pritožbe. Naslovnik pritožbe je zavezan odločitev o pritožbi sprejeti v roku 15 dni od prejema pritožbe.

2. V kolikor uporabnik_ca s pojasnilom oziroma s predlagano rešitvijo ni zadovoljen_na se lahko na drugi stopnji ponovno pisno pritoži na upravni odbor Slovenske filantropije. Postopek pritožbe in roki so enaki kot v primeru pritožbe na prvi stopnji.

3. Če se uporabnik_ca ali njegov_a zakoniti_a zastopnik_ca ne strinja z odločitvijo sprejeto znotraj notranjih pritožbenih poti, se lahko obrne na Ministrstvo za delo, družino, socialne zadeve in enake možnosti, Štukljeva cesta 44, 1000 Ljubljana.

4. Uporabnik_ca ali njegov_a zakoniti_a zastopnik_ca ima v primeru nezadovoljstva pri nudenju storitve možnost podati pripombe, mnenje in predloge tudi Častnemu razsodišču Socialne zbornice Slovenije, Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, da oceni morebitno kršitev Kodeksa etičnih načel v socialnem varstvu.


Ljubljana, 14. 11. 2022                                                        Franc Zlatar, izvršni direktor


Upon using the services or programmes of Slovene Philanthropy, beneficiaries are verbally informed about the possibility and method of complaint procedure by an employee of Slovene Philanthropy. In case service beneficiaries are not satisfied with implementation of the programme or they want to express their dissatisfaction with it, they can contact the head of the Migration Programme Unit. The head of the programme will inform them once again about the possibility and method of the complaint procedure. The complaint procedure is displayed in a visible place on the premises of Slovene Philanthropy, where activities are taking place. It is also published on the website of Slovene Philanthropy.

A two-step complaint process is available to service beneficiaries. Service beneficiaries are also informed about the fact, that employees of Slovene Philanthropy are obliged to implement the program according to the principles of the Code of Ethical Principles in Social Service and about the possibility to object as defined in the Article 94 of the Social Assistance Act.

  1. In the first stage, a beneficiary or his/her legal representative has a possibility to make a written complaint to the head of the Slovene Philanthropy (the executive director). The service beneficiary may appeal within 15 days since the event or action that led to the complaint. The beneficiary can send a complaint by:
  • post to the address: Slovenska filantropija, Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 11, 1000 Ljubljana;
  • e-mail to the address:;
  • writing a note in the praise and complaints book;
  • submitting it verbally on the record (it should contain the following information: name of service beneficiary or his/her legal representative; place, day and time of the event or action, that led to the complaint; the course and content of action that led to the complaint).

The addressee of the complaint (the head of Slovene Philanthropy) submits a written response to the beneficiary, in which he proposes a solution or offers an explanation. The complainant can ask for additional explanations regarding the complaint. The addressee of the complaint is obliged to make a decision regarding the complaint within 15 days of receiving it.

2. If the service beneficiary is not satisfied with the explanation or proposed solution, he/she can make a second stage complaint in writing to the board of Slovene Philanthropy. The complaint procedure and deadlines are the same as in the first stage of the complaint.

3. If the service beneficiary or his/her legal representative does not agree with the decision regarding the complaint procedure made within Slovene Philanthropy, he/she may contact the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Štukljeva cesta 44, 1000 Ljubljana.

4. In case of dissatisfaction with the delivery of the service, the beneficiary or his/her legal representative has the opportunity to submit comments, opinions and proposals to the Social Chamber of Slovenia, Ukmarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, to assess a possible violation of the Code of Ethical Principles in Social Service.


Ljubljana, 14. 11. 2022                                                        Franc Zlatar, Executive Director

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